• Newspaper inserts can be targeted and customized to meet the needs of your client.
  • All the inserts or flyers that appear in your Sunday and weekly newspapers;  One thing is for sure – they get results!
  • Everyone is trying to save money these days, so advertising in a place where consumers are looking for value only makes sense.
  • Newspaper insert advertising delivers customers to you store.
  • Recent research studies found that newspaper inserts drive consumers, across all age and income groups, to act.
  • 82% consumers keep inserts for more than two days.
  • 76% to receive them in newspapers rather than through the mail or on the Internet.

According to recent studies:

  • Nearly 9 out of 10 (86 % ) media consumers use newspaper inserts.
  • 91% of newspaper readers report that they take action after reading or looking at inserts.
  • 86% of newspaper readers believe newspaper inserts help them get the best deal.
  • 65% of consumers believe the best deals on products can be found in newspaper inserts.

Newspaper inserts drive readers to take the following actions:

  • Clip and save coupons – 87%
  • Visit a store, dealer, or other location – 58%
  • Compare prices – 54%
  • Save insert until they need to purchase an advertised item or service – 54%
  • Take insert to the store with them – 52%
  • Make an unplanned purchase as the result of sales or promotion offers – 42%
  • Share inserts with family members or friends – 27%

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